
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
App-XML-DocBook-Builder app-text A Perl-based tool to Render DocBook/XML
APScheduler dev-python In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
apulse media-sound PulseAudio emulation for ALSA
apulse media-sound PulseAudio emulation for ALSA
aravis media-video Library for video acquisition using Genicam cameras
arb sci-mathematics C library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic
Archive-Any dev-perl Single interface to deal with file archives
Archive-Any-Lite dev-perl Simple CPAN package extractor
Archive-Extract dev-perl Generic archive extracting mechanism
Archive-Tar-Stream dev-perl Pure perl IO-friendly tar file management
Archive-Tar-Wrapper dev-perl API wrapper around the 'tar' utility
Archive-Zip dev-perl A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive members as if they were files
arel-helpers dev-ruby Tools to help construct database queries
argcomplete dev-python Bash tab completion for argparse
argh dev-python A simple argparse wrapper
argon2-cffi dev-python CFFI bindings to the Argon2 password hashing library
argon2-cffi-bindings dev-python Low-level CFFI bindings for the Argon2 password hashing library
argparse dev-cpp Argument Parser for Modern C++
argparse-manpage dev-python Automatically build man-pages for your Python project
aria2 net-misc A download utility with segmented downloading with BitTorrent support

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