Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
Feed-Find | dev-perl | Syndication feed auto-discovery |
feedgenerator | dev-python | Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator |
feh | media-gfx | A fast, lightweight imageviewer using imlib2 |
felix-framework | dev-java | Implementation of the OSGi R8 core framework specification |
felix-resolver | dev-java | Provide OSGi resolver service. |
felix-utils | dev-java | Utility classes for OSGi |
Festival-Client-Async | dev-perl | Non-blocking interface to a Festival server |
ffaker | dev-ruby | Faster Faker, generates dummy data |
ffi | dev-ruby | Ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries |
FFI-CheckLib | dev-perl | Check that a library is available for FFI |
ffi-compiler | dev-ruby | Ruby FFI Rakefile generator |
ffmpeg | media-video | Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec |
ffmpeg-python | dev-python | Python bindings for FFmpeg with complex filtering support |
ffmpegthumbnailer | media-video | Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers |
fftw | sci-libs | Fast C library for the Discrete Fourier Transform |
fgl | dev-haskell | Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library |
fiber-annotation | dev-ruby | A mechanism for annotating fibers |
fiber-local | dev-ruby | Provides a class-level mixin to make fiber local state easy |
fido2 | dev-python | Python based FIDO 2.0 library |
fields | dev-python | Container class boilerplate killer |