
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
DBI dev-perl Database independent interface for Perl
DBICx-TestDatabase dev-perl Create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
DBI-Shell dev-perl Interactive command shell for the DBI
DBIx-Class dev-perl Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault dev-perl Automatically set and update fields
DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Boolean dev-perl Auto-create boolean objects from columns
DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP dev-perl Auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns
DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Object-Enum dev-perl Allows a DBIx::Class user to define a Object::Enum column
DBIx-Class-UserStamp dev-perl Automatically set update and create user id fields
DBIx-ContextualFetch dev-perl Add contextual fetches to DBI
DBIx-DBSchema dev-perl Database-independent schema objects
DBIx-Migration dev-perl Seamless DB schema up- and downgrades
DBIx-SearchBuilder dev-perl Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple Perl objects
DBIx-Simple dev-perl Very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
dblatex app-text Transform DocBook using TeX macros
dbus dev-haskell A client library for the D-Bus IPC system
dbus sys-apps A message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to each other
dbus-c++ dev-libs Provides a C++ API for D-BUS
dbus-glib dev-libs D-Bus bindings for glib
dbus-next dev-python The next great DBus library for Python with asyncio support

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