Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
curl | net-misc | A Client that groks URLs |
curses | dev-ruby | Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses |
Curses | dev-perl | Curses interface modules for Perl |
Curses-UI | dev-perl | Perl UI framework based on the curses library |
curtsies | dev-python | Curses-like terminal wrapper, with colored strings |
cvise | dev-util | Super-parallel Python port of the C-Reduce |
cvm | net-libs | Credential Validation Modules by Bruce Guenter |
cvxopt | dev-python | Python package for convex optimization |
cwcwidth | dev-python | Python bindings for wc(s)width |
Cwd-Guard | dev-perl | Temporary changing working directory (chdir) |
cxprolog | dev-lang | A WAM based Prolog system |
cxsparse | sci-libs | Extended sparse matrix package |
cxxopts | dev-libs | Lightweight C++ command line option parser |
cxxtools | dev-libs | Collection of general purpose C++-classes |
cycler | dev-python | Composable style cycles |
cyrus-imapd | net-mail | The Cyrus IMAP Server |
cython | dev-python | A Python to C compiler |
Daemon-Generic | dev-perl | Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon |
daemons | dev-ruby | Wrap existing ruby scripts to be run as a daemon |
dafny | dev-lang | Dafny is a verification-aware programming language |