
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
cfv app-arch Command-line File Verify - versatile file checksum creator and verifier
cgdb dev-util A curses front-end for GDB, the GNU debugger
cgi dev-ruby Support for the Common Gateway Interface protocol
CGI dev-perl Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
CGI-Ajax dev-perl Perl-specific system for writing Asynchronous web applications
CGI-Application dev-perl Framework for building reusable web-applications
CGI-Application-Dispatch dev-perl Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects
CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect dev-perl Easy external redirects in CGI::Application
CGI-Application-Server dev-perl a simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
CGI-Builder dev-perl Framework to build simple or complex web-apps
CGI-Compile dev-perl Compile .cgi scripts to a code reference like ModPerl::Registry
CGI-Emulate-PSGI dev-perl PSGI adapter for CGI
CGI-Fast dev-perl CGI Interface for Fast CGI
CGI-FastTemplate dev-perl High Performance Templates and Variable Interpolation
CGI-FormBuilder dev-perl Extremely fast, reliable form generation and processing module
CGI-PSGI dev-perl Adapt CGI.pm to the PSGI protocol
CGI-Session dev-perl persistent session data in CGI applications
CGI-Simple dev-perl A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant
cgit www-apps a fast web-interface for git repositories
cglib dev-java cglib is a powerful, high performance and quality Code Generation Library

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