Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
mgba | games-emulation | Game Boy Advance Emulator |
mhonarc-gentoo | net-mail | Perl Mail-to-HTML Converter, Gentoo fork |
micawber | dev-python | A small library for extracting rich content from urls |
microlens-aeson | dev-haskell | Law-abiding lenses for Aeson, using microlens |
microlens-th | dev-haskell | Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens |
micropython | dev-lang | Python implementation for microcontrollers |
microstache | dev-haskell | Mustache templates for Haskell |
middleware | dev-ruby | Generalized implementation of the middleware abstraction for Ruby |
mido | dev-python | MIDI Objects, a library for working with MIDI messages and ports |
miglayout | dev-java | MiGLayout - Java Layout Manager for Swing, SWT and JavaFX |
mikutter | net-misc | Simple, powerful and moeful twitter client |
miller | sys-apps | A tool like sed, awk, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data (CSV, JSON, ..) |
milou | kde-plasma | Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo |
mimalloc | dev-libs | A compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance |
MIME-Base32 | dev-perl | Base32 encoder / decoder |
MIME-Charset | dev-perl | Charset Informations for MIME |
mime-construct | dev-perl | construct and optionally mail MIME messages |
mimedefang | mail-filter | Antispam, antivirus and other customizable filters for MTAs with Milter support |
MIME-EncWords | dev-perl | Deal with RFC 2047 encoded words (improved) |
MIME-Lite | dev-perl | Low-calorie MIME generator |