Add support the Tcl language
Name | Category | Description |
postgresql | dev-db | PostgreSQL RDBMS |
rrdtool | net-analyzer | A data logging and graphing system for time series data |
sqlcipher | dev-db | Full Database Encryption for SQLite |
sqlite | dev-db | SQL database engine |
sqlitestudio | dev-db | Powerful cross-platform SQLite database manager |
suite3270 | net-misc | Complete 3270 (S390) access package |
vim | app-editors | Vim, an improved vi-style text editor |
weechat | net-irc | Portable and multi-interface IRC client |
xapian-bindings | dev-libs | SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian |
xcircuit | sci-electronics | Circuit drawing and schematic capture program |
znc | net-irc | An advanced IRC Bouncer |
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