
Force kernel ebuilds to automatically update the /usr/src/linux symlink
Name Category Description
asahi-sources sys-kernel Asahi Linux kernel sources
calculate-sources sys-kernel Calculate Linux kernel image
gentoo-sources sys-kernel Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 6.13 kernel tree
git-sources sys-kernel The very latest -git version of the Linux kernel
mips-sources sys-kernel sources for MIPS-based machines
nmap net-analyzer Network exploration tool and security / port scanner
pf-sources sys-kernel Linux kernel fork that includes the pf-kernel patchset and Gentoo's genpatches
quake1-demodata games-fps Demo data for Quake 1
quake2-demodata games-fps Demo data for Quake 2
raspberrypi-sources sys-kernel Raspberry Pi kernel sources
resolvconf-symlink net-dns Make /etc/resolv.conf a symlink to a runtime-writable location
rt-sources sys-kernel Full Linux 6.6 kernel sources with the CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT patch
usbip net-misc Userspace utilities for a general USB device sharing system over IP networks
vanilla-sources sys-kernel Full sources for the Linux kernel
zen-sources sys-kernel The Zen Kernel Live Sources

Thank you!