
Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
Name Category Description
flatbuffers dev-libs Memory efficient serialization library
flatzebra dev-games Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
flow-tools net-analyzer library and programs to process reports from NetFlow data
fltk x11-libs Fast Light GUI Toolkit
fontconfig media-libs A library for configuring and customizing font access
fplll sci-libs Implementations of the floating-point LLL reduction algorithm
freeimage media-libs Image library supporting many formats
freeimage media-libs Image library supporting many formats
freeradius-client net-dialup FreeRADIUS Client framework
freetds dev-db Tabular Datastream Library
freetype media-libs High-quality and portable font engine
fswatch sys-fs cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends
ftgl media-libs library to use arbitrary fonts in OpenGL applications
fts-standalone sys-libs Standalone fts library for use with musl
funtools sci-astronomy FITS library and utlities for astronomical images
fuse sys-fs An interface for filesystems implemented in userspace
fwknop net-firewall Single Packet Authorization and Port Knocking application
g15daemon app-misc Takes control of the G15 keyboard, through the linux kernel uinput device driver
gd media-libs Graphics library for fast image creation
gdbm sys-libs Standard GNU database libraries

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