Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
Name | Category | Description |
tpm2-abrmd | app-crypt | TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager |
tpm2-tss | app-crypt | TCG Trusted Platform Module 2.0 Software Stack |
twolame | media-sound | An optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder |
ubertooth | net-wireless | open source wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation |
uchardet | app-i18n | An encoding detector library |
ucl | dev-libs | the UCL Compression Library |
ucsc-genome-browser | sci-biology | The UCSC genome browser suite, also known as Jim Kent's library and GoldenPath |
ufconfig | sci-libs | Common configuration scripts for the SuiteSparse libraries |
uim | app-i18n | A multilingual input method framework |
unbound | net-dns | A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver |
unibilium | dev-libs | A very basic terminfo library |
unicorn | dev-util | A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework |
unixODBC | dev-db | Complete ODBC driver manager |
urt | media-libs | the Utah Raster Toolkit is a library for dealing with raster images |
usbguard | sys-apps | Daemon protecting your computer against BadUSB |
userspace-rcu | dev-libs | Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library |
util-linux | sys-apps | Various useful Linux utilities |
varnish | www-servers | Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator |
vcdimager | media-video | GNU VCDimager |
vde | net-misc | Virtual distributed ethernet emulator for emulators like qemu, bochs, and uml |