
Add support for SSL/TLS connections (Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security)
Name Category Description
siege app-benchmarks A HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility
sipp net-misc A free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol
sitecopy net-misc Maintain remote web sites with ease
slrn net-nntp A s-lang based newsreader
s-nail mail-client Enhanced mailx-compatible mail client based on Heirloom mailx (nail)
sngrep net-analyzer Ncurses SIP Messages flow viewer
SOAP-Lite dev-perl Lightweight interface to the SOAP protocol both on client and server side
socat net-misc Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
sofia-sip net-libs RFC3261 compliant SIP User-Agent library
sogo gnustep-apps Groupware server built around and the SOPE application server
sope gnustep-libs A set of frameworks forming a complete Web application server environment
spamassassin mail-filter An extensible mail filter which can identify and tag spam
squid net-proxy Full-featured web proxy cache
ssmtp mail-mta Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a Mailhub
stunnel net-misc TLS/SSL - Port Wrapper
suck net-nntp Grab news from a remote NNTP server and feed them to another
sudo app-admin Allows users or groups to run commands as other users
suite3270 net-misc Complete 3270 (S390) access package
swi-prolog dev-lang Versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language
swoole dev-php Event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine

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