
Build with MRI Ruby 3.1.x
Name Category Description
kramdown-rfc app-text An XML2RFC (RFC799x) backend for Thomas Leitner's kramdown markdown parser
kramdown-syntax-coderay dev-ruby Uses coderay to highlight code blocks/spans
launchy dev-ruby Helper class for launching cross-platform applications
lemon dev-ruby Lemon is a unit testing framework
leto dev-ruby Generic object traverser for Ruby
letter_opener dev-ruby Preview mail in the browser instead of sending
levenshtein dev-ruby Levenshtein distance algorithm
libgxim x11-libs GObject-based XIM protocol library
libselinux sys-libs SELinux userland library
libusb dev-ruby binding that gives Ruby programmers access to arbitrary USB devices
liquid dev-ruby Template engine for Ruby
liquid-c dev-ruby Liquid performance extension in C
listen dev-ruby Listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes
little-plugger dev-ruby Module that provides Gem based plugin management
llhttp-ffi dev-ruby Ruby FFI bindings for llhttp
locale dev-ruby A pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
localhost dev-ruby Manage a local CA for self-signed localhost development servers
lockfile dev-ruby A ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
log4r dev-ruby A comprehensive and flexible logging library written in Ruby
logger dev-ruby Provides a simple logging utility for outputting messages

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