Build with Python 3.9
Name | Category | Description |
bracex | dev-python | Bash style brace expansion for Python |
braintree | dev-python | Braintree Python Library |
branca | sci-libs | spinoff from folium, host the non-map-specific features |
breathe | dev-python | Sphinx Doxygen renderer |
breezy | dev-vcs | Distributed Version Control System with a Friendly UI |
brltty | app-accessibility | Daemon that provides access to the Linux/Unix console for a blind person |
brotli | app-arch | Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm |
brotlicffi | dev-python | Python binding to the Brotli library |
browser-cookie3 | dev-python | Loads cookies from your browser into a cookiejar object |
bsddb3 | dev-python | Python bindings for Berkeley DB |
btfs | net-fs | a bittorrent filesystem based on FUSE |
build | dev-python | A simple, correct PEP517 package builder |
buku | www-misc | Powerful command-line bookmark manager |
cachecontrol | dev-python | httplib2 caching for requests |
cached-property | dev-python | A cached-property for decorating methods in classes |
cachelib | dev-python | Collection of cache libraries in the same API interface. Extracted from werkzeug |
cachetools | dev-python | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators |
cairocffi | dev-python | CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo |
cairosvg | media-gfx | CLI and library to export SVG to PDF, PostScript, and PNG |
caldav | dev-python | CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python |