
Build with Python 3.9
Name Category Description
snmpclitools net-analyzer Pure-Python SNMP management tools, formerly pysnmp-apps
snowballstemmer dev-python Stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms
soapysdr net-wireless vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
socket-burst-dampener net-misc A daemon that spawns one command per connection, and dampens connection bursts
socketio-client-nexus dev-python A 2.x client library for Python
socksio dev-python Sans-I/O implementation of SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, and SOCKS5
solo1 sys-auth CLI and Python library for SoloKeys Solo 1
sortedcontainers dev-python Python library to sort collections and containers
soupsieve dev-python A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup
speech-dispatcher app-accessibility Speech synthesis interface
speedtest-cli net-analyzer Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
speg dev-python A PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization
spf-engine mail-filter Policy daemon for Postfix SPF verification
sphinx dev-python Python documentation generator
sphinx-aiohttp-theme dev-python Sphinx theme for aiohttp
sphinx-autoapi dev-python A new approach to API documentation in Sphinx
sphinx-autodoc-typehints dev-python Type hints support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
sphinx-basic-ng dev-python A modern skeleton for Sphinx themes
sphinx-bootstrap-theme dev-python Sphinx theme integrates the Bootstrap CSS / JavaScript framework
sphinxcontrib-apidoc dev-python Sphinx extension for running sphinx-apidoc on each build

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