
Build with Python 3.9
Name Category Description
flask-login dev-python Login session support for Flask
flask-migrate dev-python SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
flask-nav dev-python Easily create navigation for Flask applications
flask-paginate dev-python Pagination support for flask
flask-paranoid dev-python Simple user session protection extension for Flask
flask-sphinx-themes dev-python Sphinx Themes for Flask related projects and Flask itself
flask-sqlalchemy dev-python SQLAlchemy support for Flask applications
flatbuffers dev-python RFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object Representation
flawfinder dev-util Examines C/C++ source code for security flaws
fleep dev-python File format determination library for Python
flexmock dev-python Testing library to create mocks, stubs and fakes
flit dev-python Simplified packaging of Python modules
flit_scm dev-python A PEP 518 build backend combining flit with setuptools_scm
flufl-lock dev-python NFS-safe file locking with timeouts for POSIX systems
folium sci-geosciences Python Data, Leaflet.js Maps
fonttools dev-python Library for manipulating TrueType, OpenType, AFM and Type1 fonts
FP16 dev-libs conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats
fqdn dev-python RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation for Python
freezegun dev-python Let your Python tests travel through time
frescobaldi media-sound A LilyPond sheet music text editor

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