
Build with Python 3.12
Name Category Description
pdfminer app-text Python tool for extracting information from PDF documents
pdm-backend dev-python A PEP 517 backend for PDM that supports PEP 621 metadata
pdm-pep517 dev-python A PEP 517 backend for PDM that supports PEP 621 metadata
pebble dev-python Threading and multiprocessing eye-candy
peewee dev-python Small Python ORM
pefile dev-python Module to read and work with Portable Executable (PE) files
perf dev-util Userland tools for Linux Performance Counters
pexpect dev-python Python module for spawning child apps and responding to expected patterns
pgspecial dev-python Python implementation of PostgreSQL meta commands
pgzero dev-python A zero-boilerplate games programming framework based on Pygame
phonenumbers dev-python Python port of Google's libphonenumber
phply dev-python Lexer and parser for PHP source implemented using PLY
pickleshare dev-python A small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support
picobox dev-python Dependency injection framework designed with Python in mind
pid dev-python Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking
piexif dev-python Exif manipulation with pure Python
pikepdf dev-python Python library to work with pdf files based on qpdf
pillow dev-python Python Imaging Library (fork)
pip dev-python The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages
pip-run dev-python Install packages and run Python with them

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