
Build with Python 3.11
Name Category Description
xflux-gui x11-misc A GUI for f.lux
xkbcommon dev-python Python bindings for libxkbcommon using cffi
xkcdpass app-admin Password generator inspired by XKCD 936
xlrd dev-python Library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
xlsx2csv app-text Convert MS Office xlsx files to CSV
xlsxwriter dev-python Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
xlwt dev-python Python library to create spreadsheet files compatible with Excel
xml2rfc app-text Generates RFCs and IETF drafts from document source in XML
xmldiff app-text A tool that figures out the differences between two similar XML files
xmlschema dev-python An XML Schema validator and decoder
xmlsec dev-python Python bindings for the XML Security Library
xmltodict dev-python Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
xrootd net-libs Extended ROOT remote file server
xvfbwrapper dev-python Python wrapper for running a display inside X virtual framebuffer
x-wr-timezone dev-python Convert calendars using X-WR-TIMEZONE to standard ones
xxhash dev-python Python binding for the xxHash library
yamllint dev-util A linter for YAML files
yamlpath dev-python Command-line processors for YAML/JSON/Compatible data
yapf dev-python A formatter for Python files
yappi dev-python Yet Another Python Profiler

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