Build with Python 3.10
Name | Category | Description |
untangle-https-backup | app-backup | Back up Untangle configurations via the web admin UI |
urh | net-wireless | Universal Radio Hacker: investigate wireless protocols like a boss |
uri-template | dev-python | URI Template expansion in strict adherence to RFC 6570 |
uritemplate | dev-python | Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template |
uritools | dev-python | RFC 3986-compliant URI parsing, classification and composition |
urjtag | dev-embedded | Tool for communicating over JTAG with flash chips, CPUs, and many more |
urllib3 | dev-python | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more |
url-normalize | dev-python | URL normalization for Python |
urlwatch | www-misc | A tool for monitoring webpages for updates |
urwid | dev-python | Curses-based user interface library for Python |
urwid_readline | dev-python | Text input widget for urwid that supports readline shortcuts |
urwidtrees | dev-python | Tree widgets for urwid |
userpath | dev-python | Cross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH |
usolitaire | games-misc | solitaire in your terminal |
utidylib | dev-python | TidyLib Python wrapper |
util-linux | sys-apps | Various useful Linux utilities |
uvicorn | dev-python | Lightning-fast ASGI server implementation |
uvloop | dev-python | Ultra-fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv |
uwsgi | www-servers | uWSGI server for Python web applications |
validators | dev-python | Python Data Validation for Humans |