
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
ubi_reader sys-fs Collection of Python scripts for extracting data from UBI and UBIFS images
uc-micro-py dev-python Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py projects
udiskie sys-fs An automatic disk mounting service using udisks
ueberzug media-gfx Command line util to draw images on terminals by using child windows
ufw net-firewall A program used to manage a netfilter firewall
ujson dev-python Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python
ukkonen dev-python Implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen)
u-msgpack-python dev-python A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer
unasync dev-python The async transformation code
uncertainties dev-python Python module for calculations with uncertainties
unearth dev-python A utility to fetch and download python packages
unicorn dev-util A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework
unidecode dev-python Module providing ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
unidiff dev-python Unified diff parsing/metadata extraction library
units sci-calculators Unit conversion program
unittest-mixins dev-python A set of mixin classes and other helpers for unittest test case classes
unittest-or-fail dev-python Run unittests or fail if no tests were found
unpaddedbase64 dev-python Unpadded Base64
unrpa app-arch Ren'Py's RPA data file extractor
untangle dev-python Convert XML documents into Python objects

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