
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
cerberus dev-python A lightweight and extensible data-validation library for Python
certbot app-crypt Let’s Encrypt client to automate deployment of X.509 certificates
certbot-apache app-crypt Apache plugin for Certbot (Let’s Encrypt client)
certbot-dns-dnsimple app-crypt DNSimple Authenticator plugin for Certbot (Let's Encrypt Client)
certbot-dns-nsone app-crypt NS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot (Let's Encrypt Client)
certbot-nginx app-crypt Nginx plugin for Certbot (Let’s Encrypt client)
certifi dev-python A certifi hack to use system trust store on Linux/FreeBSD
cffi dev-python Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
cfgv dev-python Validate configuration and produce human-readable error messages
cfn-lint dev-python CloudFormation Linter
cftime dev-python Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python
cfv app-arch Command-line File Verify - versatile file checksum creator and verifier
cgroup-utils dev-python Tools and libraries for control groups of Linux
chameleon dev-python Fast HTML/XML template compiler for Python
characteristic dev-python Python attributes without the boilerplate
chardet dev-python Universal encoding detector
charset-normalizer dev-python The Real First Universal Charset Detector
chart-studio dev-python Browser-based graphing library for Python
check-jsonschema app-misc A CLI and set of pre-commit hooks for jsonschema validation
check-manifest dev-python Tool to check the completeness of for Python packages

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