
Build for Python 3.9 only
Name Category Description
ola app-misc Open Lighting Architecture, a framework for lighting control information
omniORB net-misc A robust, high-performance CORBA 2 ORB
onerng sys-apps Software for the Open Hardware Random Number Generator called OneRNG
onionrouter net-mail .onion discovery via SRV DNS lookups for use with postfix
opal-utils sys-apps OPAL firmware utilities
openbox x11-wm Standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager
opencolorio media-libs A color management framework for visual effects and animation
openimageio media-libs A library for reading and writing images
openipmi sys-libs Library interface to IPMI
openshot media-video Award-winning free and open-source video editor
openvdb media-gfx Library for the efficient manipulation of volumetric data
openvswitch net-misc Production quality, multilayer virtual switch
orca app-accessibility Extensible screen reader that provides access to the desktop
osl media-libs Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
pacemaker sys-cluster Pacemaker CRM
pahole dev-util pahole (Poke-a-Hole) and other DWARF2 utilities
paraview sci-visualization Powerful scientific data visualization application
partio media-libs Library for particle IO and manipulation
passff-host www-plugins Host app for the PassFF WebExtension
pastebinit app-text A software that lets you send anything you want directly to a pastebin

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