Enable Oracle Database support
Name | Category | Description |
check_mk_agent | net-analyzer | Agent to report data to Check_MK for monitoring |
cockatrice | games-board | Open-source multiplatform software for playing card games over a network |
freeradius | net-dialup | Highly configurable free RADIUS server |
gdal | sci-libs | Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support) |
hydra | net-analyzer | Parallelized network login hacker |
mapserver | sci-geosciences | Development environment for building spatially enabled webapps |
opendbx | dev-db | OpenDBX - A database abstraction layer |
qgis | sci-geosciences | User friendly Geographic Information System |
root | sci-physics | C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN |
tora | dev-db | SQL IDE for Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL dbs |
zabbix | net-analyzer | ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers |