Add mySQL Database support
Name | Category | Description |
MogileFS-Server | dev-perl | Server for the MogileFS distributed file system |
monitoring-plugins | net-analyzer | 50+ standard plugins for Icinga, Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Sensu |
motion | media-video | A software motion detector |
munin | net-analyzer | Munin Server Monitoring Tool |
mydns | net-dns | A DNS-Server which gets its data from a MySQL/PostgreSQL-database |
mysql2 | dev-ruby | A modern, simple and very fast Mysql library for Ruby - binding to libmysql |
nagios-plugins | net-analyzer | Official plugins for Nagios |
neko | dev-lang | Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language |
netdata | net-analyzer | Linux real time system monitoring, done right! |
net-snmp | net-analyzer | Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data |
nextcloud | www-apps | Personal cloud that runs on your own server |
note | app-misc | A note taking perl program |
opendbx | dev-db | OpenDBX - A database abstraction layer |
opendnssec | net-dns | An open-source turn-key solution for DNSSEC |
ossec-hids | net-analyzer | Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System |
owncloud | www-apps | Web-based storage application where all your data is under your own control |
pdns | net-dns | The PowerDNS Daemon |
PEAR-MDB2 | dev-php | Database Abstraction Layer |
php | dev-lang | The PHP language runtime engine |
pmacct | net-analyzer | A network tool to gather IP traffic information |