Use llvm-runtimes/libunwind instead of sys-libs/libunwind
Name | Category | Description |
clang | sys-devel | C language family frontend for LLVM |
clang-common | sys-devel | Common files shared between multiple slots of clang |
crystal | dev-lang | The Crystal Programming Language |
cudf | dev-ml | Library to parse, pretty print, and evaluate CUDF documents |
edencommon | dev-cpp | Shared library for Watchman and Eden projects |
folly | dev-cpp | An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook |
glog | dev-cpp | Google Logging library |
google-perftools | dev-util | Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools |
htop | sys-process | Interactive process viewer |
libplacebo | media-libs | Reusable library for GPU-accelerated image processing primitives |
roc-toolkit | media-libs | Real-time audio streaming over the network |
rust | dev-lang | Systems programming language from Mozilla |
samba | net-fs | Samba Suite Version 4 |
watchman | dev-util | A file watching service |
wine-proton | app-emulation | Valve Software's fork of Wine |
wine-staging | app-emulation | Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Wine-Staging patchset |
wine-vanilla | app-emulation | Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, without external patchsets |