
Enable support for a graphical user interface
Name Category Description
jed app-editors Console S-Lang-based editor
jumpnbump games-arcade Funny multiplayer game about cute little fluffy bunnies
kryoflux-dtc app-misc KryoFlux Host Software
lazarus dev-lang feature rich visual programming environment emulating Delphi
lgogdownloader games-util Unofficial downloader for Linux
makemkv media-video Tool for ripping and streaming Blu-ray, HD-DVD and DVD discs
maxima sci-mathematics Free computer algebra environment based on Macsyma
mgba games-emulation Game Boy Advance Emulator
mit-scheme dev-scheme Scheme interpreter, compiler, debugger and runtime library
mkvtoolnix media-video Tools to create, alter, and inspect Matroska files
mozc app-i18n Mozc - Japanese input method editor
mtools sys-fs Utilities to access MS-DOS disks from Unix without mounting them
netgen media-gfx Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator
networkmanager-sstp net-vpn Client for the proprietary Microsoft Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol(SSTP)
octave sci-mathematics High-level interactive language for numerical computations
openscad media-gfx The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
ophcrack app-crypt A time-memory-trade-off-cracker
Panotools-Script dev-perl A perl module for reading, writing, and manipulating hugin script files
pcb sci-electronics GPL Electronic Design Automation: Printed Circuit Board editor
pcsc-tools sys-apps PC/SC Architecture smartcard tools

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