
Enable support for a graphical user interface
Name Category Description
emact app-editors EmACT, a fork of Conroy's MicroEmacs
firewalld net-firewall Firewall daemon with D-Bus interface providing a dynamic firewall
freecad media-gfx Qt based Computer Aided Design application
gBhed games-misc An Al Bhed translator
genius sci-mathematics Genius Mathematics Tool and the GEL Language
giac sci-mathematics A free C++ Computer Algebra System library and its interfaces
gnome-tetravex games-puzzle Complete the puzzle by matching numbered tiles
gnubg games-board GNU BackGammon
gnucash app-office A personal finance manager
godot dev-games Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor
hatari games-emulation Atari ST emulator
hatoful-boyfriend games-rpg Japanese visual novel and dating simulator where birds rule the Earth
hatoful-boyfriend-holiday-star games-rpg Holiday-themed sequel to the Japanese visual novel and dating sim about birds
heaptrack dev-util Fast heap memory profiler
heimdall app-mobilephone Tool suite used to flash firmware onto Samsung devices
highlight app-text Converts source code to formatted text (HTML, LaTeX, etc.) with syntax highlight
ibus app-i18n Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
img2pdf media-gfx Losslessly convert raster images to PDF
iscan media-gfx EPSON Image Scan v3 for Linux
jasspa-microemacs app-editors Jasspa Microemacs

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