Install examples, usually source code
Name | Category | Description |
JSON-XS | dev-perl | JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast |
jzlib | dev-java | JZlib is a re-implementation of zlib in pure Java |
kdiagram | dev-libs | Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams |
kicad | sci-electronics | Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools |
kirigami | kde-frameworks | Lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications |
kombu | dev-python | AMQP Messaging Framework for Python |
kquickcharts | kde-frameworks | QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts |
ktechlab | sci-electronics | IDE for microcontrollers and electronics |
kyotocabinet | dev-db | A straightforward implementation of DBM |
lablgtk | dev-ml | OCaml bindings to GTK-3 |
Lab-Measurement | dev-perl | Measurement control and automation with Perl |
lammps | sci-physics | Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator |
landslide | app-text | Generates a slideshow using the slides that power the html5-slides presentation |
lasi | media-libs | C++ library for postscript stream output |
LaTeX-Table | dev-perl | Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables |
ldns | net-libs | A library with the aim to simplify DNS programming in C |
legion | sys-cluster | A data-centric parallel programming system |
lgi | dev-lua | Lua bindings using gobject-introspection |
lgrind | dev-tex | A pretty printer for various programming languages with tex output |
lhapdf | sci-physics | Les Houches Parton Density Function unified library |