
Install examples, usually source code
Name Category Description
geda sci-electronics GPL Electronic Design Automation (gEDA):gaf core package
genshi dev-python Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
GeographicLib sci-geosciences C++ library for converting geographic coordinate systems
gerbv sci-electronics A RS-274X (Gerber) and NC drill (Excellon) file viewer
gerris sci-libs Gerris Flow Solver
getdns net-dns Modern asynchronous DNS API
Getopt-GUI-Long dev-perl Auto-GUI extending Getopt::Long
Getopt-Tabular dev-perl Table-driven argument parsing with help text
giac sci-mathematics A free C++ Computer Algebra System library and its interfaces
ginac sci-mathematics C++ library and tools for symbolic calculations
gjs dev-libs Javascript bindings for GNOME
glossaries dev-tex Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
glpk sci-mathematics GNU Linear Programming Kit
gmsh sci-libs Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gmt sci-geosciences Powerful map generator
gnetman sci-electronics A GNU Netlist Manipulation Library
gnucap sci-electronics GNUCap is the GNU Circuit Analysis Package
gnucash app-office A personal finance manager
gnuclad media-gfx Cladogram tree generator mainly used by the GNU/Linux distro timeline project
gnuplot sci-visualization Command-line driven interactive plotting program

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