Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name | Category | Description |
easymock | dev-java | Mock Objects for interfaces in JUnit tests by generating them on the fly |
ecasound | media-sound | a package for multitrack audio processing |
echo | dev-haskell | A cross-platform, cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input |
eclipse-ecj | dev-java | Eclipse Compiler for Java |
ecma-re-validator | dev-ruby | Validate a regular expression string against what ECMA-262 can actually do |
ecryptfs-utils | sys-fs | eCryptfs userspace utilities |
ecryptfs-utils | sys-fs | eCryptfs userspace utilities |
ed25519 | dev-ruby | Library for the Ed25519 public-key signature system |
ed25519 | dev-haskell | Ed25519 cryptographic signatures |
edit-distance | dev-haskell | Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances |
editorconfig-core-c | app-text | EditorConfig core library written in C |
eekboard | dev-libs | An easy to use virtual keyboard toolkit |
efl | dev-libs | Enlightenment Foundation Libraries all-in-one package |
eggdrop | net-irc | An IRC bot extensible with C or TCL |
eigen | dev-cpp | C++ template library for linear algebra |
eix | app-portage | Search and query ebuilds |
elasticsearch | dev-ruby | Ruby integrations for ES, elasticsearch module |
elasticsearch | dev-python | Official Elasticsearch client library for Python |
elasticsearch-api | dev-ruby | Ruby integrations for ES, elasticsearch-api module |
elasticsearch-transport | dev-ruby | Ruby integrations for ES, elasticsearch-transport module |