
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name Category Description
shorewall net-firewall A high-level tool for configuring Netfilter
shoulda dev-ruby Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
shoulda-context dev-ruby Context framework extracted from Shoulda
shoulda-matchers dev-ruby Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
should-not-typecheck dev-haskell A HUnit/hspec assertion library to verify that an expression does not typecheck
shrinkwrap-api dev-java Client View of the ShrinkWrap Project
shrinkwrap-impl-base dev-java Common Base for Implementations of the ShrinkWrap Project
shrinkwrap-spi dev-java Generic Service Provider Contract of the ShrinkWrap Project
sigdump dev-ruby Setup signal handler which dumps backtrace of threads and allocated objects
sigil app-text Multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor for ePub format
signond net-libs Signon daemon for libaccounts-glib
sil-abyssinica media-fonts SIL Opentype Unicode fonts for Ethiopic languages
silently dev-haskell Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles
sil-ezra media-fonts SIL Ezra - Unicode Opentype fonts for Biblical Hebrew
sil-gentium media-fonts Gentium Plus unicode font for Latin and Greek languages
simpleagenda gnustep-apps a simple calendar and agenda application
simplecov dev-ruby Code coverage with a configuration library and merging across test suites
simplecov-html dev-ruby Generates a HTML report of your SimpleCov ruby code coverage results
simplecov_json_formatter dev-ruby JSON formatter for SimpleCov
simpleidn dev-ruby Allows easy conversion from punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 strings and vice-versa

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