
Name Category Description
edi dev-util An EFL-based IDE
firefox www-client Firefox Web Browser
gnome-builder dev-util An IDE for writing GNOME-based software
gromacs sci-chemistry The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package
hfstospell dev-util HFST spell checker library and command line tool
honggfuzz app-forensics A general purpose fuzzer with feedback support
libreoffice app-office A full office productivity suite
moarvm dev-lang A 6model-based VM for NQP and Raku
nqp dev-lang Not Quite Perl, a Raku bootstrapping compiler
qt-creator dev-qt Lightweight IDE for C++/QML development centering around Qt
qttools dev-qt Qt Tools Collection
rakudo dev-lang A compiler for the Raku programming language
spidermonkey dev-lang SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C and C++
thunderbird mail-client Thunderbird Mail Client

Thank you!