
64-bit (amd64) libraries
Name Category Description
simplescreenrecorder media-video A Simple Screen Recorder
skypeforlinux net-im Instant messaging client, with support for audio and video
slack net-im Team collaboration tool
slang sys-libs Multi-platform library designed to allow a developer to create robust software
smpeg media-libs SDL MPEG Player Library
smpeg2 media-libs SDL MPEG Player Library
snappy app-arch A high-speed compression/decompression library by Google
sndio media-sound Small audio and MIDI framework part of the OpenBSD project
socket_wrapper net-libs Library passing all socket communications through unix sockets
sord dev-libs Library for storing RDF data in memory
soxr media-libs SoX Resampler library
speex media-libs Audio compression format designed for speech
speexdsp media-libs Audio compression format designed for speech -- DSP
spirv-tools dev-util Provides an API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
spqr sci-libs Multithreaded multifrontal sparse QR factorization library
sqlcipher dev-db Full Database Encryption for SQLite
sqlite dev-db SQL database engine
sratom media-libs Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF, particularly the Turtle syntax
srt net-libs Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) library and tools
sssd sys-auth System Security Services Daemon provides access to identity and authentication

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