64-bit (s390x) libraries
Name | Category | Description |
jack-audio-connection-kit | media-sound | A low-latency audio server |
jbigkit | media-libs | data compression algorithm for bi-level high-resolution images |
jemalloc | dev-libs | Jemalloc is a general-purpose scalable concurrent allocator |
jpeg | virtual | Virtual to select between libjpeg-turbo and IJG jpeg for source-based packages |
jpeg-compat | virtual | A virtual for the libjpeg.so.62 ABI for binary-only programs |
json-c | dev-libs | A JSON implementation in C |
json-glib | dev-libs | Library providing GLib serialization and deserialization for the JSON format |
keyutils | sys-apps | Linux Key Management Utilities |
klu | sci-libs | Sparse LU factorization for circuit simulation |
krb5 | virtual | Virtual for Kerberos V implementation |
kvazaar | media-libs | Open-source HEVC encoder |
ladspa-sdk | media-libs | The Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API |
lame | media-sound | LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder |
lash | media-sound | LASH Audio Session Handler |
lcms | media-libs | A lightweight, speed optimized color management engine |
ldb | sys-libs | LDAP-like embedded database |
ldl | sci-libs | Simple but educational LDL^T matrix factorization algorithm |
ldns | net-libs | A library with the aim to simplify DNS programming in C |
leptonica | media-libs | C library for image processing and analysis |
libaacs | media-libs | Open implementation of the Advanced Access Content System (AACS) specification |