
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
parameterized dev-python Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
paramiko dev-python SSH2 protocol library
Params-Classify dev-perl Argument type classification
Params-Util dev-perl Utility functions to aid in parameter checking
Params-Validate dev-perl Flexible system for validation of method/function call parameters
Params-ValidationCompiler dev-perl Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
paraview sci-visualization Powerful scientific data visualization application
PAR-Dist dev-perl Create and manipulate PAR distributions
pari sci-mathematics Computer-aided number theory C library and tools
ParmEd sci-chemistry Parameter and topology file editor and molecular mechanical simulator engine
parse dev-python Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax
parsebib app-emacs Emacs Lisp library for reading .bib files
parseclj app-emacs Clojure Parser for Emacs Lisp
parsedatetime dev-python Parse human-readable date/time strings
Parse-Distname dev-perl Parse a distribution name
parseedn app-emacs EDN parser for Emacs Lisp
Parse-ErrorString-Perl dev-perl Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
Parse-ExuberantCTags dev-perl Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
parser dev-ruby A production-ready Ruby parser written in pure Ruby
Parse-RecDescent dev-perl Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers

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