
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
pairing_heap dev-ruby Performant priority queue with support for changing priority
Palm dev-perl Read & write Palm OS databases (both PDB and PRC)
Palm-PDB dev-perl Parse Palm database files
pam_wrapper sys-libs A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules
pam_yubico sys-auth Library for authenticating against PAM with a Yubikey
pandas dev-python Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics
pandoc app-text Conversion between markup formats
pandoc-lua-marshal dev-haskell Use pandoc types in Lua
pandoc-types dev-haskell Types for representing a structured document
pango x11-libs Internationalized text layout and rendering library
Pango dev-perl Layout and render international text
Panotools-Script dev-perl A perl module for reading, writing, and manipulating hugin script files
paperwork-backend app-text Backend part of Paperwork (Python API, no UI)
PAR dev-perl Perl Archive Toolkit
ParaDNS dev-perl a DNS lookup class for the Danga::Socket framework
parallel dev-ruby Run any code in parallel Processes or Threads
Parallel-ForkManager dev-perl A simple parallel processing fork manager
Parallel-Iterator dev-perl Simple parallel execution
Parallel-Prefork dev-perl A simple prefork server framework
paramesan dev-ruby Parameterized tests in Ruby

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