
Название Категория Описание
airdcpp-webclient net-p2p Cross-platform Direct Connect client
blender media-gfx 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
bullet sci-physics Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
embree media-libs Collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels
geant sci-physics Toolkit for simulation of passage of particles through matter
hpx sys-cluster C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications
ogre dev-games Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
opencascade sci-libs Development platform for CAD/CAE, 3D surface/solid modeling and data exchange
opensubdiv media-libs An Open-Source subdivision surface library
root sci-physics C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN
spqr sci-libs Multithreaded multifrontal sparse QR factorization library
suitesparse sci-libs Metapackage for a suite of sparse matrix tools
trilinos sci-libs Scientific library collection for large scale problems
vtk sci-libs The Visualization Toolkit
