
Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
Название Категория Описание
sundials sci-libs Suite of nonlinear solvers
supercollider media-sound Environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis
superlu_mt sci-libs Multithreaded sparse LU factorization library
sysfsutils sys-fs System Utilities Based on Sysfs
systemc sci-electronics A C++ based modeling platform for VLSI and system-level co-design
szip sci-libs Extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm implementation
t1lib media-libs A Type 1 Font Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
tac_plus net-nds An updated version of Cisco's TACACS+ server
tclreadline dev-tcltk Readline extension to TCL
tdom dev-tcltk A XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT Implementation for Tcl
templates-parser dev-ada A template engine
tesseract app-text An OCR Engine, originally developed at HP, now open source
thepeg sci-physics Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
tiff media-libs Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
tinycdb dev-db A very fast and simple package for creating and reading constant data bases
tinyscheme dev-scheme Lightweight scheme interpreter
tinyxml dev-libs Simple and small C++ XML parser
tkimg dev-tcltk Adds a lot of image formats to Tcl/Tk
tomcat-native dev-java Allows Tomcat to use certain native resources for better performance
torsocks net-proxy Use most socks-friendly applications with Tor

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