Build with Python 3.10
Название | Категория | Описание |
Babel | dev-python | Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications |
babelfish | dev-python | Python library to work with countries and languages |
backcall | dev-python | Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API |
backoff | dev-python | Function decoration for backoff and retry |
backrefs | dev-python | Wrapper around re or regex that adds additional back references |
bandit | dev-python | A security linter from OpenStack Security |
bareos | dev-python | python bindings for bareos network backup suite |
barman | dev-db | Administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers |
bashate | dev-python | A pep8 equivalent for bash scripts |
basho-erlastic | dev-python | Erlang binary term codec and port interface |
bcache-tools | sys-fs | Tools for bcache |
bcc | dev-util | Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more |
bcrypt | dev-python | Modern password hashing for software and servers |
beagle | dev-python | Command line client for Hound, the code search tool |
beartype | dev-python | Unbearably fast runtime type checking in pure Python |
beautifulsoup4 | dev-python | Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying an HTML/XML parse tree |
beniget | dev-python | Extract semantic information about static Python code |
betamax | dev-python | python-requests HTTP exchanges recorder |
betamax-matchers | dev-python | A group of experimental matchers for Betamax |
bibtexparser | dev-python | A BibTeX parser written in Python |
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