Add optional support/bindings for the Python language
Название | Категория | Описание |
libseccomp | sys-libs | high level interface to Linux seccomp filter |
libselinux | sys-libs | SELinux userland library |
libsignon-glib | net-libs | GLib binding for the D-Bus API provided by signond |
libsigrok | sci-libs | Basic hardware drivers for logic analyzers and input/output file format support |
libsixel | media-libs | A lightweight, fast implementation of DEC SIXEL graphics codec |
libsmbios | sys-libs | Provide access to (SM)BIOS information |
libsvm | sci-libs | Library for Support Vector Machines |
libtorrent-rasterbar | net-libs | C++ BitTorrent implementation focusing on efficiency and scalability |
libxml2 | dev-libs | XML C parser and toolkit |
libxslt | dev-libs | XSLT libraries and tools |
lilv | media-libs | Library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications |
link-grammar | dev-libs | A Syntactic English parser |
linux-gpib | sci-libs | Driver library for GPIB (IEEE 488.2) hardware |
lldb | dev-util | The LLVM debugger |
lorcon | net-wireless | A generic library for injecting 802.11 frames |
mailutils | net-mail | A useful collection of mail servers, clients, and filters |
mapserver | sci-geosciences | Development environment for building spatially enabled webapps |
marisa | dev-libs | Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge |
med | sci-libs | A library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results |
mlt | media-libs | Open source multimedia framework for television broadcasting |
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