
Enable Lua scripting support
Название Категория Описание
gnuplot sci-visualization Command-line driven interactive plotting program
grilo-plugins media-plugins A collection of plugins for the Grilo framework
gtk-engines x11-themes GTK+2 standard engines and themes
gvim app-editors GUI version of the Vim text editor
haproxy net-proxy A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
hexchat net-irc Graphical IRC client based on XChat
ibus-libpinyin app-i18n Intelligent Pinyin and Bopomofo input methods based on LibPinyin for IBus
ibus-pinyin app-i18n Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus
libguestfs app-emulation Tools for accessing, inspecting, and modifying virtual machine (VM) disk images
libpeas dev-libs A GObject plugins library
libucl dev-libs Universal configuration library parser
lighttpd www-servers Lightweight high-performance web server
mgba games-emulation Game Boy Advance Emulator
mod_security www-apache Application firewall and intrusion detection for Apache
modsecurity dev-libs Application firewall and intrusion detection
mpv media-video Media player for the command line
obs-studio media-video Software for Recording and Streaming Live Video Content
opendkim mail-filter A milter providing DKIM signing and verification
openscenegraph dev-games Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit
openscenegraph-openmw dev-games OpenMW-specific fork of OpenSceneGraph

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