
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Название Категория Описание
gnat-gpl dev-lang GNAT Ada Compiler - GPL version
gnetman sci-electronics A GNU Netlist Manipulation Library
gnome-builder dev-util An IDE for writing GNOME-based software
gnome-commander gnome-extra A graphical, full featured, twin-panel file manager
gnome-remote-desktop net-misc Remote desktop daemon for GNOME using pipewire
gnome-session gnome-base Gnome session manager
gnucash app-office A personal finance manager
gnu-jaf dev-java GNU implementation of the JavaBeans Activation Framework
gnulib dev-libs Gnulib is a library of common routines intended to be shared at the source level
gnumail gnustep-apps Fully featured mail application for GNUstep
gnupg app-crypt The GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL OpenPGP implementation
gnuplot sci-visualization Command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-mode app-emacs Gnuplot mode for Emacs
gnuprologjava dev-lang GNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of ISO Prolog as a Java library
gnuradio net-wireless Toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios
gnu-regexp dev-java GNU regular expression package for Java
gnustep-back-art gnustep-base Libart_lgpl back-end component for the GNUstep GUI Library
gnustep-back-cairo gnustep-base Cairo back-end component for the GNUstep GUI Library
gnustep-back-xlib gnustep-base Default X11 back-end component for the GNUstep GUI Library
gnustep-base gnustep-base A library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects

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