Add support for client-side URL transfer library
Название | Категория | Описание |
fio | sys-block | Jens Axboe's Flexible IO tester |
gammu | app-mobilephone | A tool to handle your cellular phone |
gdal | sci-libs | Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support) |
gerbera | net-misc | UPnP Media Server |
git | dev-vcs | Stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency |
gmic | media-gfx | GREYC's Magic Image Converter |
gtkpod | app-pda | A graphical user interface to the Apple productline |
htslib | sci-libs | C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats |
iroffer-dinoex | net-irc | IRC fileserver using DCC |
jp2a | media-gfx | JPEG/PNG image to ASCII art converter |
kore | www-servers | Web application platform for writing scalable, concurrent web based processes |
libdatovka | app-misc | Client library for accessing ISDS SOAP services |
libisds | net-libs | Client library for accessing ISDS Soap services |
libmediainfo | media-libs | MediaInfo libraries |
liboauth | net-libs | C library implementing the OAuth secure authentication protocol |
libqalculate | sci-libs | A modern multi-purpose calculator library |
libreswan | net-vpn | IPsec implementation for Linux, fork of Openswan |
libsixel | media-libs | A lightweight, fast implementation of DEC SIXEL graphics codec |
lightspark | www-plugins | High performance flash player |
mariadb-connector-c | dev-db | C client library for MariaDB/MySQL |
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