GLSA 200912-01: OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities

Заголовок:OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities
Ошибки: #270305, #280591, #292022


Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSL might allow remote attackers to conduct multiple attacks, including the injection of arbitrary data into encrypted byte streams.


OpenSSL is an Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) as well as a general purpose cryptography library.

Уязвимые пакеты

Пакет Уязвимый Нетронутый Архитектура(ы)
dev-libs/openssl < 0.9.8l-r2 >= 0.9.8l-r2 All supported architectures


Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in OpenSSL:

  • Marsh Ray of PhoneFactor and Martin Rex of SAP independently reported that the TLS protocol does not properly handle session renegotiation requests (CVE-2009-3555).
  • The MD2 hash algorithm is no longer considered to be cryptographically strong, as demonstrated by Dan Kaminsky. Certificates using this algorithm are no longer accepted (CVE-2009-2409).
  • Daniel Mentz and Robin Seggelmann reported the following vulnerabilities related to DTLS: A use-after-free flaw (CVE-2009-1379) and a NULL pointer dereference (CVE-2009-1387) in the dtls1_retrieve_buffered_fragment() function in src/d1_both.c, multiple memory leaks in the dtls1_process_out_of_seq_message() function in src/d1_both.c (CVE-2009-1378), and a processing error related to a large amount of DTLS records with a future epoch in the dtls1_buffer_record() function in ssl/d1_pkt.c (CVE-2009-1377).


A remote unauthenticated attacker, acting as a Man in the Middle, could inject arbitrary plain text into a TLS session, possibly leading to the ability to send requests as if authenticated as the victim. A remote attacker could furthermore send specially crafted DTLS packages to a service using OpenSSL for DTLS support, possibly resulting in a Denial of Service. Also, a remote attacker might be able to create rogue certificates, facilitated by a MD2 collision. NOTE: The amount of computation needed for this attack is still very large.


There is no known workaround at this time.


All OpenSSL users should upgrade to the latest version:

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8l-r2"



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