Bug #96

cl-builder failture if kernel symbol CONFIG_LOCALVERSION presend

Added by roba roba almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start:01/28/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:02/03/2010
Assignee:Mikhail Hiretsky % Done:


Category:Calculate Overlay Spent time: 0.50 hour
Target version:10.2 Estimated time:0.50 hour
Votes: -1



cl-builder don't handle local version of kernel.
It can be configured in "General setup" section of kernel menuconfig
reproduce: reproducibility

Steps for reproduce error

steps for see error:
$cl-builder --menuconfig
General setup -> {enter}
() local version -> {enter}
wrote something {enter}
\m+x \m+x \m+y


Add test for local version before genkernel executed, for example apply attached patch.

cl-kernel-localversion-handle.patch (236 Bytes) roba roba, 01/28/2010 06:08 pm


Updated by roba roba almost 15 years ago

s/before genkernel/after genkernel/

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky almost 15 years ago

  • Due date set to 02/03/2010
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Mikhail Hiretsky
  • Target version set to 10.2
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Estimated time set to 0.50

Also available in: Atom PDF

Thank you!