Bug #930

Custom overlay (not layman) not syncing with cl-update

Added by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Status:Closed Start:12/07/2016
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-
Votes: 0


Hi team calculate !

I have a remote (custom) repo, installed on CL.
When i do cl-update, it's not updated.

12 [20:21:43] root@superlinux: ~  # LANG=C cl-update                                                     
Repositories synchronization                                                                             
 * Syncing the Distros repository ...                                                              [ ok ]
 * Syncing the Calculate repository ...                                                            [ ok ]
 * Syncing the Gentoo repository ...                                                               [ ok ]
 * Synchronization finished                                                                              
System configuration                                                                                     
 * Fixing the settings ...                                                                         [ ok ]
 * Updating configuration files ...                                                                [ ok ]
 * Update server                                                             
Checking for updates                                                                                     
 * Calculating dependencies ...                                                                          
 * The system is up to date                                                                              
Rebuilding dependent modules                                                                             
 * Updating configuration files ...                                                                [ ok ]
 * System update finished!

But, if I do manually emerge --sync, it's OKAY.

13 [20:24:22] root@superlinux: ~  # emerge --sync
>>> Syncing repository 'gentoo' into '/usr/portage'...
/usr/bin/git pull
Already up-to-date.
=== Sync completed for gentoo
>>> Syncing repository 'adrien-overlay' into '/usr/local/portage/adrien-overlay'...
/usr/bin/git pull
remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 1), reused 5 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
From https://github.com/aaaaadrien/adrien-overlay
   c2625e7..ac83652  master     -> origin/master
Updating c2625e7..ac83652
 virtual/adrien/adrien-1.0.0.ebuild | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 virtual/adrien/adrien-1.0.0.ebuild
=== Sync completed for adrien-overlay

 * IMPORTANT: 3 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

Custom repo is in repos.conf.

Are there a bug ?

Capture_du_2017-06-20_20-57-17.png (489.5 KB) Adrien Duck, 06/20/2017 07:01 pm


Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky over 7 years ago

Try to run cl-update with option "-o".

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Mikhail Hiretsky wrote:

Try to run cl-update with option "-o".

It doesn't work.

I did cl-update -o and no updates. If I search a package updated recently (in the overlay), eix and emerge --search don't show the newest package.

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Just an information.
With this same overlay, installed with same commands, on a official Gentoo, eix-sync synchronise newest packages.
But I saw that eix-sync redirect to cl-core command.

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky over 7 years ago

Did adrien-overlay install by layman or another method?

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

adrien-overlay installed with repos.conf

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aaaaadrien/adrien-overlay/master/repo.conf -o /etc/portage/repos.conf/adrien-overlay.conf

Updated by Виктор Кустов over 7 years ago

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

adrien-overlay installed with repos.conf



# update other overlays
cl_update_other_set = on

Updated by Фёдор Ратиев over 7 years ago

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

adrien-overlay installed with repos.conf


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aaaaadrien/adrien-overlay/master/repositories.xml -o /etc/layman/overlays/adrien-overlay.xml
rm /etc/portage/repos.conf/adrien-overlay.conf
layman -S
layman -a adrien-overlay
cl-update -veo1

file name in /etc/layman/overlays/ must match of repo name in repositories.xml

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Виктор Кустов wrote:

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

adrien-overlay installed with repos.conf




I do that, but doesn't work.

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Фёдор Ратиев wrote:

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

adrien-overlay installed with repos.conf



file name in /etc/layman/overlays/ must match of repo name in repositories.xml

I tried to install this (my) overlay with Layman. it's OK, but, if I do a new update, cl-update no see it !

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky over 7 years ago

Now cl-update supports layman overlays only.

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Now, with cl-utilities 3.5 , cl-update -o works !

why it's not a default value ?

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky over 7 years ago

Does synchronize cl-update without option -o, but with value in calculate.env?

cl_update_other_set = on

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Mikhail Hiretsky wrote:

Does synchronize cl-update without option -o, but with value in calculate.env?

cl-update without option -o, but with value in calculate.env : it works.

When I added a "real" Layman overlay (available in layman -L list, it was worked.

Updated by Виктор Кустов over 7 years ago

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

cl-update without option -o, but with value in calculate.env : it works.

When I added a "real" Layman overlay (available in layman -L list, it was worked.

OK, seems calculate utils just needed update...

Updated by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

cl-update -o work.

Updated by Adrien Duck about 7 years ago

Today it doesn't work :(

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky about 7 years ago

What does command display?

cl-core-variables-show --filter other

Updated by Adrien Duck about 7 years ago

 * Liste des variables
|             Variable             |Mode|Localisation|         Valeur          |
| install.cl_install_other_set     | wb |            | off                     |
| builder.cl_builder_other_rep_data| rt |            |                         |
| builder.cl_builder_other_rep_name| rl |            |                         |
| builder.cl_builder_other_rep_path| rl |            |                         |
| update.cl_update_other_rep_data  | rt |            | adrien-overlay:/var/lib/|
|                                  |    |            | layman/adrien-overlay,vm|
|                                  |    |            | ware:/var/lib/layman/vmw|
|                                  |    |            | are                     |
| update.cl_update_other_rep_name  | rl |            | adrien-overlay,vmware   |
| update.cl_update_other_rep_path  | rl |            | /var/lib/layman/adrien-o|
|                                  |    |            | verlay,/var/lib/layman/v|
|                                  |    |            | mware                   |
| update.cl_update_other_set       | wb | system     | off                     |
| update.cl_update_wait_another_set| wb |            | on                      |

I think i must set to on cl_update_other_set but with cl-update --update-other ON, teh next update don't update other overlays

Updated by Adrien Duck about 7 years ago

See the attachment : packages arn't listed but updated :)

WPS-OFFICE in my case is the 6th package

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky about 7 years ago

What does display eix-update?

Updated by Adrien Duck about 7 years ago

1 [20:48:37] root@superlinux: /home/adrien  #  eix-update
Reading Portage settings...
Building database (/var/cache/eix/portage.eix)...
[0] "gentoo" /usr/portage/ (cache: metadata-md5-or-flat)
     Reading category 164|164 (100) Finished             
[1] "distros" /var/lib/layman/distros (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 164|164 (100) EMPTY!
[2] "calculate" /var/lib/layman/calculate (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 164|164 (100) Finished         
[3] "adrien-overlay" /var/lib/layman/adrien-overlay (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 164|164 (100) Finished        
[4] "vmware" /var/lib/layman/vmware (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 164|164 (100) Finished         
Applying masks...
Calculating hash tables...
Writing database file /var/cache/eix/portage.eix...
Database contains 19697 packages in 164 categories.

Updated by Adrien Duck about 7 years ago

When a program is updated and not in official tree :

sudo cl-update -o
Synchronisation des dépôts
 * Checking Distros updates ...                                           [ ok ]
 * Checking Calculate updates ...                                         [ ok ]
 * Checking Gentoo updates ...                                            [ ok ]
 * Synchronisation du dépôt Adrien-overlay ...                            [ ok ]
 * Synchronisation du dépôt Vmware ...                                    [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Distros ...                            [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Calculate ...                          [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Adrien-overlay ...                     [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Vmware ...                             [ ok ]
 * Updating the eix cache for Vmware, Adrien-overlay, Distros, Calculate, Gentoo * .                                                           [ ok ]
 * Updating the cache of configurable packages ...                        [ ok ]
 * Suppression des sources et des binaires obsolètes ...                  [ ok ]
 * Update packages index ...                                              [ ok ]
 * Synchronisation terminée
Configuration système
 * Correction des paramètres ...                                          [ ok ]
 * Mise à jour des fichiers de configuration ...                          [ ok ]
 * Update server http://miroir.linuxtricks.fr/testing
Mise à jour des paquets
 * Calcul des dépendances ...
 * Le système est à jour  
 *  (1 sur 1) 
 * Compilation de  ...                                                                   [ ok ]
 * Installation de  ...                                                                  [ ok ]
Suppression des paquets devenus inutiles
 * Calcul des dépendances ...                                                            [ ok ]
Recompilation des modules dépendants
 * Mise à jour des bibliothèques réservées ...                                           [ ok ]
 * Mise à jour des fichiers de configuration ...                                         [ ok ]
 * Votre système a bien été mis à jour !

Is it possible to :
- Add packages name for foreign packages ?
- Add an option in calculate-utilities to always update other overlays when we run cl-update ? (as --stable=off for the first update)

Updated by Adrien Duck about 7 years ago

- Add packages name for foreign packages => Solved

 cl-update -o
Synchronisation des dépôts
 * Checking Distros updates ...                                                                                                         [ ok ]
 * Checking Calculate updates ...                                                                                                       [ ok ]
 * Checking Gentoo updates ...                                                                                                          [ ok ]
 * Synchronisation du dépôt Adrien-overlay ...                                                                                          [ ok ]
 * Synchronisation du dépôt Vmware ...                                                                                                  [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Distros ...                                                                                          [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Calculate ...                                                                                        [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Adrien-overlay ...                                                                                   [ ok ]
 * Actualisation du cache du dépôt Vmware ...                                                                                           [ ok ]
 * Updating the eix cache for Vmware, Adrien-overlay, Distros, Calculate, Gentoo ...                                                    [ ok ]
 * Updating the cache of configurable packages ...                                                                                      [ ok ]
 * Suppression des sources et des binaires obsolètes ...                                                                                [ ok ]
 * Update packages index ...                                                                                                            [ ok ]
 * Synchronisation terminée
Configuration système
 * Correction des paramètres ...
 * Mise à jour des fichiers de configuration ...                                                                                        [ ok ]
 * Update server http://miroir.linuxtricks.fr/testing
Mise à jour des paquets
 * Calcul des dépendances ...
 * Liste des paquets à installer  
 * Nous allons vous faire adorer la tele ! (U) media-video/molotov-1.5.1-r3 (0 KiB)
 * 1 paquets à installer, 0 KiB à télécharger

Voulez-vous installer ces paquets ? (Yes/No): y
 * (1 sur 1) Nous allons vous faire adorer la tele !
 * Compilation de media-video/molotov-1.5.1-r3 ...                                                                                      [ ok ]
 * Installation de media-video/molotov-1.5.1-r3 [1.5.1-r1] ...

But, Add an option in calculate-utilities to always update other overlays when we run cl-update ? (as --stable=off for the first update) => added ?
Please, can you write here when it's ok ?

Updated by Adrien Duck almost 7 years ago

I ran cl-core-variables --set update.cl_update_other_set=on

and all is okay.
It's OK for new CL installations.

You can close

Updated by Alexander Tratsevskiy almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF

Thank you!