Bug #291

emerge calculate-install

Added by Rosen Alexandrow about 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Status:Closed Start:05/11/2011
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Mikhail Hiretsky % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-
Votes: 0



  • Package: sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4
  • Repository: calculate
  • USE: amd64 cdistro_CLDG cdistro_desktop elibc_glibc kernel_linux multilib userland_GNU
  • FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox

Unpacking source...
Unpacking calculate-install-2.2.14.tar.bz2 to /var/calculate/tmp/portage/sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4/work

  • Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE! Value for $EPATCH_SOURCE is: * * /var/lib/layman/calculate/sys-apps/calculate-install/files/calculate-install-2.2.14-backport.patch * ( calculate-install-2.2.14-backport.patch )
  • ERROR: sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4 failed (unpack phase):
  • Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE!
  • Call stack:
  • ebuild.sh, line 56: Called src_unpack
  • environment, line 5055: Called epatch '/var/lib/layman/calculate/sys-apps/calculate-install/files/calculate-install-2.2.14-backport.patch'
  • environment, line 1921: Called die
  • The specific snippet of code:
  • die "Cannot find \$EPATCH_SOURCE!";
  • If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4',
  • the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4'.
  • This ebuild is from an overlay named 'calculate': '/var/lib/layman/calculate/'
  • The complete build log is located at '/var/log/portage/sys-apps:calculate-install-2.2.14-r4:20110511-111215.log'.
  • The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4/temp/environment'.
  • S: '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.14-r4/work/calculate-install-2.2.14'


Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Попробуйте удалить оверлей calculate и добавить его заново

layman -d calculate;layman -a calculate

Updated by Rosen Alexandrow about 13 years ago

Проблем Решен! Спс

Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF

Thank you!