Bug #148

Torrent error

Added by Ievgenii Volynets over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Status:Closed Start:04/09/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Calculate Linux Desktop KDE Spent time: -
Target version:10.4
Votes: 0


For indicated BitTorrent file there is following error:
"Invalid data from tracker"

4.png - ktorrent error (14.8 KB) Ievgenii Volynets, 04/14/2010 05:51 pm

Calculate_Linux_Desktop_10.4_KDE_x86_64_LiveDVD.torrent - Bittorenf file from http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/ru/download (36.3 KB) Ievgenii Volynets, 04/14/2010 05:51 pm


Updated by Mikhail Hiretsky over 14 years ago

Can you attach this file to your message?

Updated by Ievgenii Volynets over 14 years ago

Of course, see attached files.

Updated by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

torrent is correct

Also available in: Atom PDF

Thank you!