Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 201012-01 (normal) - Chromium: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Chromium, some of which may allow user-assisted execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201011-01 (high) - GNU C library: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in glibc, the worst of which allowing local attackers to execute arbitrary code as root.
GLSA 201010-01 (normal) - Libpng: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in libpng might lead to privilege escalation or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 201009-09 (normal) - fence: Multiple symlink vulnerabilities
fence contains multiple programs containing vulnerabilities that may allow local users to overwrite arbitrary files via a symlink attack.
GLSA 201009-08 (high) - python-updater: Untrusted search path
An untrusted search path vulnerability in python-updater might result in the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201009-07 (normal) - libxml2: Denial of Service
Multiple Denial of Services vulnerabilities were found in libxml2.
GLSA 201009-06 (normal) - Clam AntiVirus: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Clam AntiVirus.
GLSA 201009-05 (normal) - Adobe Reader: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader might result in the execution of arbitrary code or other attacks.
GLSA 201009-04 (normal) - SARG: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Multiple stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities were discovered in SARG allowing for remote code execution.
GLSA 201009-03 (high) - sudo: Privilege Escalation
The secure path feature and group handling in sudo allow local attackers to escalate privileges.
GLSA 201009-02 (high) - Maildrop: privilege escalation
Insecure permission handling in maildrop might allow local attackers to elevate their privileges.
GLSA 201009-01 (normal) - wxGTK: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
An integer overflow vulnerability in wxGTK might enable remote attackers to cause the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201006-21 (high) - UnrealIRCd: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in UnrealIRCd might allow remote attackers to compromise the "unrealircd" account, or cause a Denial of Service.
GLSA 201006-20 (normal) - Asterisk: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Asterisk might allow remote attackers to cause a Denial of Service condition, or conduct other attacks.
GLSA 201006-19 (normal) - Bugzilla: Multiple vulnerabilities
Bugzilla is prone to multiple medium severity vulnerabilities.
GLSA 201006-18 (normal) - Oracle JRE/JDK: Multiple vulnerabilities
The Oracle JDK and JRE are vulnerable to multiple unspecified vulnerabilities.
GLSA 201006-17 (normal) - lighttpd: Denial of Service
A processing error in lighttpd might result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201006-16 (normal) - GD: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
The GD library is prone to a buffer overflow vulnerability.
GLSA 201006-15 (normal) - XEmacs: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Multiple integer overflow errors in XEmacs might allow remote, user-assisted attackers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 201006-14 (normal) - Newt: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A heap-based buffer overflow in the Newt library might allow remote, user-assisted attackers to execute arbitrary code.

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