Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 201110-11 (normal) - Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a Denial of Service.
GLSA 201110-10 (normal) - Wget: User-assisted file creation or overwrite
Insecure usage of server provided filenames may allow the creation or overwriting of local files.
GLSA 201110-09 (normal) - Conky: Privilege escalation
A privilege escalation vulnerability was found in Conky.
GLSA 201110-08 (high) - feh: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in feh, the worst of which leading to remote passive code execution.
GLSA 201110-07 (normal) - vsftpd: Denial of Service
A Denial of Service vulnerability was found in vsftpd.
GLSA 201110-06 (high) - PHP: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in PHP, the worst of which leading to remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201110-05 (normal) - GnuTLS: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in GnuTLS, allowing for easier man-in-the-middle attacks.
GLSA 201110-04 (high) - Dovecot: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in Dovecot, the worst of which allowing for remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201110-03 (normal) - Bugzilla: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in Bugzilla, the worst of which leading to privilege escalation.
GLSA 201110-02 (normal) - Wireshark: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Wireshark allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code, or a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201110-01 (high) - OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in OpenSSL, allowing for the execution of arbitrary code and other attacks.
GLSA 201101-09 (normal) - Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a Denial of Service.
GLSA 201101-08 (normal) - Adobe Reader: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader might result in the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201101-07 (normal) - Prewikka: password disclosure
Due to a world-readable file, a local attacker can obtain the SQL database password used by Prewikka.
GLSA 201101-06 (normal) - IO::Socket::SSL: Certificate validation error
An error in the hostname matching of IO::Socket::SSL might enable remote attackers to conduct man-in-the-middle attacks.
GLSA 201101-05 (normal) - OpenAFS: Arbitrary code execution
The cache manager of OpenAFS contains several bugs resulting in remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201101-04 (normal) - aria2: Directory traversal
A directory traversal vulnerability has been found in aria2.
GLSA 201101-03 (normal) - libvpx: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Timothy B. Terriberry discovered that libvpx contains an integer overflow vulnerability in the processing of video streams that may allow user-assisted execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201101-02 (high) - Tor: Remote heap-based buffer overflow
Tor is vulnerable to a heap-based buffer overflow that may allow arbitrary code execution.
GLSA 201101-01 (normal) - gif2png: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
gif2png contains a stack overflow vulnerability when parsing command line arguments.

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