Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 201206-09 (high) - MediaWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in MediaWiki, the worst of which leading to remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201206-08 (high) - Wicd: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Wicd, the worst of which might allow execution of arbitrary code as root.
GLSA 201206-07 (normal) - nginx: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow vulnerability in nginx could result in the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201206-06 (normal) - OpenJPEG: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A vulnerability in OpenJPEG could result in execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201206-05 (normal) - Asterisk: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Asterisk might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 201206-04 (normal) - ArgyllCMS: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A vulnerability has been found in ArgyllCMS which could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 201206-03 (normal) - Opera: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Opera, the worst of which allow for the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201206-02 (normal) - QtGui: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow in QtGui could result in execution of arbitrary code or Denial of Service.
GLSA 201206-01 (normal) - BIND: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in BIND, the worst of which allowing to cause remote Denial of Service.
GLSA 201205-04 (normal) - Chromium, V8: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Chromium and V8, some of which may allow execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201205-03 (normal) - Chromium, V8: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Chromium and V8, some of which may allow execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201205-02 (normal) - ConnMan: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in ConnMan, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause Denial of Service.
GLSA 201205-01 (normal) - Chromium: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Chromium, some of which may allow execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201204-08 (normal) - Perl DBD-Pg Module: Arbitrary code execution
Two format string vulnerabilities have been found in the Perl DBD-Pg module, allowing a remote PostgreSQL servers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 201204-07 (normal) - Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player, the worst of which might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 201204-06 (high) - PolicyKit: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in PolicyKit, the worst of which may allow a local attacker to gain root privileges.
GLSA 201204-05 (normal) - SWFTools: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A heap-based buffer overflow in SWFTools could result in the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201204-04 (normal) - FreeType: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in FreeType, allowing remote attackers to possibly execute arbitrary code or cause Denial of Service.
GLSA 201204-03 (normal) - Chromium: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Chromium, some of which may allow execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201204-02 (high) - InspIRCd: Arbitrary code execution
A heap-based buffer overflow in InspIRCd may allow execution of arbitrary code.

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